Talk about how you typically spend your weekends.



These days, my weekends are mostly filled with rest and relaxation.


In the past, I used to be more outgoing and active.


I relished activities in the great outdoors, and I had a can-do attitude toward sports.


But as I get on in years, I'm starting to buy the argument that my lazier friends like to pitch.


Now I understand why they prefer being couch potatoes.


The gist of the matter is that I'm too tuckered out after a week's work to be so gung-ho about recreation.


I just want to wind down and relax.


Maybe this just means I'm no longer a spring chicken.





풍미,향기,식욕,기호,흥미,의욕,기미,조미료,양념,맛보다,좋아하다,즐기다,맛을 들이다,맛이(풍미가)있다,기미가 있다,냄새가 나다


get on in years = get older


gist point of sth


gungho                  a                열심인,열렬한

gung-ho                                  충성을 다하는

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