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리스닝의 기초도 단어

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'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

고객답변 영작  (0) 2016.03.22


Moutain in korea



Hiking is the One of the most popular pastimes in Korea.

발음이 /에이/ one of the 니깐 복수형

The hiking trails are packed with people sporting Colorful hoody and professional hiking gear.

Sport 뽐내다

Keep in mind that some mountains are more Challenging to travel on foot.

That은 생략가능

Of course you can Go at your own pace.

Pace 속도

Undoubtedly 치악산 boast one of the most difficult trails.

Undoubt edly 철자철자 b묵음 여기도 one of 복수

설악산 is a famous amongst novice mountaineers.

Novice 초보자

The View also happens to be Breathtaking during the fall season.

Breath taking 붙여서, happens to be 안들림,낯섬

You will be blown away.


I guarantee that it will live up to your expectations.

It 안들림

If you want to a Bird's-eye view of the capital city

"bird's-eye view"

You've got to check out the? 남산



Be packed with sth

Go at one's own pace

live up to sth ~에 부응하다. 맞춰살다 실현하다

Check sth out = check out sth



몰라서 처음 들어서 안들리는 것들



항상 염두해두고 들어야되는 단수/복수

One of pl





Moving In korea can be relatively painless.

I hired professional mover to make the move easier.

We took inventory all of belongings, and Movers packed them up in to the boxes.

In notime we clear out old place. In notime 금새

They did the heavy lift for me so I did not have to lift my finger.

My new bed frame nearly did not fit moving truck.

Regardless I was fully moved in squared  way in just half a day.

I make sure to clean every nook and cranny (every corner) in my new home.

Now that I all settled in

I'm going to furnish????


풀옵션 fully furnished

일부옵션 partly furnished

Furnishings = 가구를 포함한 가전제품 일체

   not lift a finger 손끝 하나 까딱이지 않다, 노력을 전혀 안 하다

(be) squared away 깔끔하게 정리되다

I still need to pack up for my vacation.

We packed up as quickly as we could.

I did not have to lift my finger.

He did not lift finger in house all day.

I'm not goint to lift my finger today. I'm exhausted.

I have no regret, I did everything I could.

I was fully moved in in notime.

When are you moving in?

When are you moving out?


I moved out just before I got married.

Let's call it a day!

Go home!





Talk about how you typically spend your weekends.



These days, my weekends are mostly filled with rest and relaxation.


In the past, I used to be more outgoing and active.


I relished activities in the great outdoors, and I had a can-do attitude toward sports.


But as I get on in years, I'm starting to buy the argument that my lazier friends like to pitch.


Now I understand why they prefer being couch potatoes.


The gist of the matter is that I'm too tuckered out after a week's work to be so gung-ho about recreation.


I just want to wind down and relax.


Maybe this just means I'm no longer a spring chicken.





풍미,향기,식욕,기호,흥미,의욕,기미,조미료,양념,맛보다,좋아하다,즐기다,맛을 들이다,맛이(풍미가)있다,기미가 있다,냄새가 나다


get on in years = get older


gist point of sth


gungho                  a                열심인,열렬한

gung-ho                                  충성을 다하는



What you do when you go to the bank?



Nowadays internet or mobile banking are the norm.


Trip to the bank are few and far between.


Even so some services call for a visit.


Certain task require sitting face to face with teller.


These include taking out a loan or open in account.


When I stop by the bank I tried to make hay while the sunshine.


Instead of just one errand I tend to several errand one.


For example I make appoint to update my bank book whenever I go to the bank.


Even though mobile baking taking over the many services.


People still prefer going to a real bank.



Grocery store trip



Open an account

Making wire transfer

Take out a loan

Checking your balance (update my bank book)


Can we stop by next rest area?

I need to stop by convenient store.

Plz stop by my office in tomorrow.

Make hay while the sunshine.






딕테이션 (수정필요)



Talk about How good korean movie have become


Korean movie have created sansation in the world of cinema.


Critics and audience gush over the latest korean films


Glowing review ? Global review come from the all corner of the world


One of the reason korean movies are Opt kilter.


They differ from same all song and dance in hollywood.


Some filmgoer are sick and tired 퍼레이드 of block busters.


Instead they opt 코키 of 피어 Korean movie.


Korea also has more than extra?? director and actor


Thanks to then korean cinema is not up and comer.


It is an Industry giant.


Film lover can look forward even better movie in the future.







Unsurprisingly, a baby's first birthday is a momentous occasion in most cultures.


Korea also follows this template.


Many parents pull out all the stops and hold extravagant parties for their babies.


Friends and neighbor come bearing gifts and break bread together.


However, the tides have been shifting in the sluggish economy.



As more people disapprove of excessive spending.


It's more common now to see scaled-down parties.


Nonetheless, a first birthday is still a red-letter day for parents.


Most follow the tradition of doljabi,


in which the baby will pick and choose from an array of

items that can supposedly predict his/her future.





Korea is a trend-setter when it comes to plastic surgery.


The quality and prevalence of plastic surgery here are world-renowned. famous;명성이 있는;유명한

만연;널리 행해짐;유행;우세



Procedures are performed with great frequency, and the skill level of the plastic surgeons is beyond ???.


It's come to the point where patients visit from all over the world to take advantage of the services in Korea.


Some critics point out that cosmetic surgery adds fuel to the fire of materialism and emphasis on appearance.


The rebuttal is that surgery is a matter of personal choice,

원고의 반박;반박;반증


and everyone is free to decide how they want to look.


Anyone interested must make their own decisions.






I hit the gym at least three times a week these days

because I need to get back in shape.


Honestly, the hardest part is getting myself to the gym.


Once I'm there, it's a cakewalk. 일종의 스텝 댄스



I begin with stretching and then jog for twenty minutes to pump up the heart rate.


I like to use light dumbbells when I work on my arms.


I use the leg press to tone my legs.
tone  vt,vi

가락(억양)을 붙이다,가락(억양)이 붙다,조화시키다(하다),~ down 부드럽게 하다,부드러워지다,~ up 강해지다,강하게 하다


I also do some exercise to target my problem area: the things.


I try to be careful not to pull a muscle while I work out. In between sets,


I make sure to catch my breath before pushing myself any further.


I end my workout with sprinting. 단거리 경주


It leaves me out of breath bur feeling invigorated.


활기를 돋구다;give life and energy to;animate;활기를 주다;북돋다;기운나게 하다






I am a big-time coffee lover.


A cup of --- has always been how I start my day.


Without it, I would probably snap at people frequently for no sound reason.


Work would be too much without the proper dosage.


I have a good four to five cups a day.


You may think it's overkill but frankly, it's what keeps me alert.


I'm not impossibly picky about my coffee though.


I don't think my taste buds are delicate enough for me to be a coffee snob.


However, I am trying to cut back just a little bit.


I had an episode of caffeine overdose recently.


The coffee ---- wouldn't fade for the entire day.




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