윈도우 sysinternal du.exe 폴더별 용량 조회 가능





Sysinternals 에서 du.exe를 다운로드 후 압출을 풀고 CMD에서 실행을 하면


옵션 du.exe


   -c     Print output as CSV. Use -ct for tab delimiting.

   -l     Specify subdirectory depth of information (default is one level).

   -n     Do not recurse.

   -q     Quiet (no banner).

   -u     Count each instance of a hardlinked file.

   -v     Show size (in KB) of all subdirectories. //하위 폴더 까지

CSV output is formatted as:



Du.exe > c:\output.txt 해서 텍스트파일로 보면 됨





Talk about how you typically spend your weekends.



These days, my weekends are mostly filled with rest and relaxation.


In the past, I used to be more outgoing and active.


I relished activities in the great outdoors, and I had a can-do attitude toward sports.


But as I get on in years, I'm starting to buy the argument that my lazier friends like to pitch.


Now I understand why they prefer being couch potatoes.


The gist of the matter is that I'm too tuckered out after a week's work to be so gung-ho about recreation.


I just want to wind down and relax.


Maybe this just means I'm no longer a spring chicken.





풍미,향기,식욕,기호,흥미,의욕,기미,조미료,양념,맛보다,좋아하다,즐기다,맛을 들이다,맛이(풍미가)있다,기미가 있다,냄새가 나다


get on in years = get older


gist point of sth


gungho                  a                열심인,열렬한

gung-ho                                  충성을 다하는



What you do when you go to the bank?



Nowadays internet or mobile banking are the norm.


Trip to the bank are few and far between.


Even so some services call for a visit.


Certain task require sitting face to face with teller.


These include taking out a loan or open in account.


When I stop by the bank I tried to make hay while the sunshine.


Instead of just one errand I tend to several errand one.


For example I make appoint to update my bank book whenever I go to the bank.


Even though mobile baking taking over the many services.


People still prefer going to a real bank.



Grocery store trip



Open an account

Making wire transfer

Take out a loan

Checking your balance (update my bank book)


Can we stop by next rest area?

I need to stop by convenient store.

Plz stop by my office in tomorrow.

Make hay while the sunshine.




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